[Swift ] Escape Sequence - 문자열처리

2022. 5. 21. 01:26Apple/Swift

Extended String Delimiters

You can place a string literal within extended delimiters to include special characters in a string without invoking their effect. You place your string within quotation marks (") and surround that with number signs (#). For example, printing the string literal #"Line 1\nLine 2"# prints the line feed escape sequence (\n) rather than printing the string across two lines.

If you need the special effects of a character in a string literal, match the number of number signs within the string following the escape character (\). For example, if your string is #"Line 1\nLine 2"# and you want to break the line, you can use #"Line 1\#nLine 2"# instead. Similarly, ###"Line1\###nLine2"### also breaks the line.

String literals created using extended delimiters can also be multiline string literals. You can use extended delimiters to include the text """ in a multiline string, overriding the default behavior that ends the literal. For example:

  1. let threeMoreDoubleQuotationMarks = #"""
  2. Here are three more double quotes: """
  3. """#
let threeMoreDoubleQuotationMarks = #"""
Here are three more double quotes: """